Knee Joints’ Pain

Product Use: Whole Set Kathleen Israel, San Diego, CA Did you ever hear of NEFFUL’s Teviron, the amazing fiber imported from Japan has unique capacity of always gaining electrons and thus negatively charged which is beneficial to our health? I am so glad I was...

Arthritis, Weak Knee and Bone Problems

I was very active in adventure climbing and running 10 years ago and as a result of regular exercise, climbing stairs and mountain climbing, my knees was injured. I stop running as my knee gives me pain when I jog and now I completely stop exercising over the...

Rheumatoid Arthritis – Finally Walk Again!

Symptoms: Rheumatoid arthritis, Cancer Tang Jing Ci Are you sure you want to live the rest of your life like this? After having rheumatoid arthritis and cancer for years I was imprisoned to a life in a wheel chair since 1998. I could not walk, stand, eat by myself, or...