Testimonial on Epilepsy sharing

Here is a Testimonial from Kelly AM+ from Singapore: My brother Cheng Hwee is 45 years old this year. He was an epilepsy patient since the age of 3 due to a high fever. I remembered clearly that whenever his attacks occur, he will be in convulsion (whole body cramps, foams in the mouth and grind his teeth). There was once when we were out when my brother had an attack and my mum put her fingers into his mouth for fear that he would bit his tongue that resulted her fingers her fingers to bleed.

Hospital was his 2nd home because his attacks were very frequent – it happens once every 2 weeks. He couldn’t attend most of his studies in primary school. When in hospital, he had to do MRI scan on his brain to check for further diagnosis and medication. In fact we all know that too much x-Ray is bad for our health. His prolonged medication resulted him in having difficulty to communicate with people, discolouration on his teeth, low immunity and he could not hold his bladder. There was even once the doctor prescribed the wrong dosage of medication that resulted him to have bleeding on his gum till I gave feedback about it. I was so angry but there was nothing much I could do.

epilsepyIt’s a blessing that my friend shared Nefful negative ions clothing to me when my mum was in ICU due to severe lung infections in mid Sep 2015. The lungs infection resulted in a high fever and she coughed out blood one night. My family was told to make a decision to have my mum go for surgery. My mum was worried that she might collapse during the operation. Without much hesitation, I decided to go with my friend to the Nefful office and hear from her AGM how this product can help my mum. I invested the products and brought them to the ICU for her to use. After 2 nights she was transferred to a high dependency ward without surgery. My mom was discharged after 2 weeks.

Upon seeing the great results, my brother Cheng Hwee took out his own savings and invested a full set for himself. After using for close to 6 months, his epilepsy attacks gradually became lesser (from once every 2 months to once every 6 mths. Sometimes this frequency may increase if there are weather changes.)

Today (24 Feb 2018) I am happy to share that my brother’s last attack was about a year ago. Though he is still on medication but his medical checkup has dragged longer from every 3 months to every 6 months.

My whole family is very passionate about Nefful products and in fact have started sharing with friends and relatives about it and they also experience great results on their health improvements. This picture was taken during our Jul 2017 trip to Nefful Taiwan Learning Camp, Cheng Hwee is the 1 with red winter jacket on the left side. Hoping that everyone has the chance to use Nefful products!


To get more info, simply contact/whatsapp Ms Jenny Lim hp: (+65) 81823325