Name: Kaub Ming Hung
Product use: Whole Set
When my mom was young she worked hard even though her blood sugar was over 400. She ignored her diabetes which is very harmful. Her metabolic system was severely damaged. When she was older she was plagued with all kinds of illnesses because of her diabetes and her metabolic problems. As she got older she got worse. More and more problems piled up. She was on insulin since 1986. Till now in July of 2002 she has been hospitalized every year 3 to 4 times to adjust her insulin dosage. More complications have been happening one right after the other. Her eyes got cataracts so she had surgery. Her heart was weak and she had angina. Because of her health condition the doctors were afraid to do anything. Surgery would be dangerous because of her diabetes. Her kidneys failed and she needed dialysis. She got neuropathy of her feet and hands. She got degenerative arthritis and insomnia. She took 2 or 3 sleeping pills at a time but she still could not sleep. My mom was such a caring loving person she still took care of my father every day.
Two years ago my father suddenly passed away. My mother was so mentally depended on her husband she became despondent and all of her illnesses became more pronounced. As a son I did not know how to take care of my mother. In this critical period our life saver Lin Lie, an AGM with the Nefful Company, introduced me to negative ion products. My mom did not like direct sales and she told me not to buy it. I tried very hard to convince her to try it. I got her a clean cloth to put around her neck. She felt good because of the clean cloth. Her neck felt much better so I got the whole set for her. Now my mom uses the whole set of Teviron her health has much improved her blood sugar had been 450 to 500. It dropped down to 120 to 180. The insulin dose dropped 8 units. Her heart no longer needed nitroglycerine. Her kidney function has much improved and she did not need dialysis any more. Amazingly now she does not need sleeping pills to make her sleep. Now she eats well and sleeps well. Her immunity has improved and has helped her fight all her illnesses.
Thanks for Lin Lei for encouraging me and I have such a blessing using this amazing products. Now I have success in this helping people business.