Wen Xiangdong (San Francisco of USA)
Usage: Complete Set Usage
I have worked as a doctor for thirty years and now live in San Francisco. I used the Split Toes Socks, and three days later, the foot odor that harassed me for a long time disappeared. My paronychia disappeared five days later, the rough skin on my heel area become smooth just ten days later. How magical! The sole of the foot is the second heart of a person; there are 63 acupuncture points within. Teviron socks can improve your condition if you are sick, and when you are well it can protect your health. I then began to use Teviron underwear and blankets.

After three months, many of my health situations improved. The seborrhea dermatitis of my head disappeared; the sensitive skin of my nasal ala is getting much better, my eye pouch is becoming less visible, my facial skin became lustrous and rosy and the newrodermatitis in my right elbow joint disappeared completely. I became vigorous and my spirit became well.

I think that the Nefful Corporation is a great group and that their product is magical. I would share the magic of Teviron with everyone I meet.