Manic Depression & Hyperthyroidism-Hypothyroidism

Products Use: Whole Set Yu Teng Shin, Taiwan Three and a half years ago I was diagnosed with congenital hyperthyroidism. Frequently I used cortisone and frequently I had a high fever. I had to go to the emergency room a lot so I could not take care of my house work...

Stop Depression for the Last Time

Depression has been a long-standing problem for many people around the globe. No wonder how a hectic schedule, tight economy and every day stress could pile up and affect your health.  When you are surrounded by positive ions in the air you breathe at home or in...

Replacing Medication with Negative Ion Clothing?

If you take a look online, you will find sites selling negative ion clothing. Thousands of people are considering buying at this very moment. This is happening since there are numerous health benefits that are gained. Just take a look at the advantages and you will...