Yang Ming Li
Symptoms: Constipation, backache, high blood pressure frequent micturition, dermatitis and allergic rhinitis
I couldn’t wash my hair for 16 years because of a serious backache after delivering my baby. I could not even bend down to wash my face. I had to put my elbow against my sink for support in order to wash it. I even had to sit on a stool to wash my feet. Having constipation for a long time and high blood pressure I have to pee every two hours at night. I believe all these symptoms are warnings of my impending weakening health. Even though I worked in a hospital there was nothing I could do for my pain.
I would like to thank AGM Su Zhen for giving me the chance to believe in this last October. I chose to believe. Only by using a waist support I pooped out all of the poop in my intestines over two days and was no longer constipated. On the fourth day my backache showed obvious improvement, it did not hurt at all.
I attended an OPP held by Jia Zhen, from her I found the light in my light. Therefore I decided to order a full set of products. After using them for three days my blood pressure has decreased from 186 – 168 mm/hg and then finally to 145. I do not have to go to the bathroom every two hours at night anymore.
I visited oil massage and acupuncture clinics but they did not help my stiff neck feel better. But after using the neck support for 3 minutes I could move my neck again. The muscles in my neck softened, I could bend, turn, do everything!
What’s more it improved my daughter’s dermatitis and allergic rhinitis.
This is so great! Since then I talk about Teviron every time I meet someone. All of my employer’s problems such as stomach ache, itchy skin all improved very well one month. Who dares to say that this business is not a business which can help people?
Symptoms: Complications with my liver, Urinate, Backache, Bad skin, Headaches, Calluses
Hou Shang Zhi
On the road to recovery
Firstly I would like to thank AGM Xue Eh and the person who lead me into this business AGM Li Fang Zhen. In the progress of me learning and growing they gave me support and guided me in finding the right direction in my life.
Five or six years ago I was the owner of a traditional convenience store that had more than 150,000 in revenue every month. After the Asian financial crisis and changes in the economy my income went down to about one third. I feel lucky to have joined the Chen Shen Mei success team, before I used to work 15 hours a day, which caused me complications with my liver.
I could not work for a long time and my entire body was sore from standing so much sometimes I could not even bend my knees. I had trouble to urinate at times it hurt to such an extent that I could not lead a normal life. After I underwent surgery in Xin Guang hospital, I constantly had a headache and my hands and feet were always dry and cracked. I scratched my self because of the rashes and my skin was in a terrible state, I could not even sleep at night. After using a full set of negative ion clothing the first stage of recovery the symptoms seemed to increase but after three months I experienced a miraculous recovery.
I now have more energy, and no more back problems, bad skin, headaches, or calluses, everything simply improved. You should always share great thing with great friends; I hope that those lucky people can fulfill their dreams with us.